QDNA® Testimonials

Marina Says,

Change Your DNA, Instantly Change Your Life.

Praise For Marina Rose

QDNA® | Quantum DNA Acceleration®

QDNA® Healing | Epigenetics & QDNA® Core Belief Reprogramming™ - Fear of Doctors & Breast Cancer

My name is LeeAnn. I have been seeing Marina since 2005. Marina is a true healer. I have enjoyed all of the QDNA®, Quantum DNA Acceleration® services that I've received, and knowing Marina is a gift.

I went to see Marina in 2006 to specifically have QDNA® Core Belief Reprogramming™ work done. I had such a fear of Doctors and specifically of having Breast Cancer. I had lost my Mother in 1971...and lost two sisters in 2001 all of them from Breast Cancer. I have always had a fear of doctors along with a fear of having Breast Cancer and I shared this with Marina. I had a mammogram in July of 2006 and they asked me to come back for another look. I decided to see Marina again ... and she took me through a powerful QDNA® Core Belief Reprogramming™ session and assured me 100% that I did not have breast cancer, however she said "please go and see the Doctor". I left feeling confident and free of past constraints.

My return visit to the Doctor went well....indeed no Breast Cancer. I believe in Marina's work so much. Letting go of negative beliefs and feeling loved and nurtured in her presence...is something I always look forward to. I will continue to get annual checkups....and will always want Marina's amazing work in my life!

Marina...Thank you for the difference you make on this planet. Today is Mother's Day... I honor and thank my Mother for the gift of my life and am so grateful to be a healthy woman, wife...and happy Mother to my two children...Stacey and Michael.

LeeAnn Robinson
Manhattan Beach, CA

QDNA® Healing | Epigenetics & Quantum Energy Healing- Fibroid Cysts

My husband found Marina Rose for me and told me to go and see her. I had Fibroid Cysts in my uterus and my Doctor wanted to operate to cut them out. My Doctor also told me there was a very good chance I could never get pregnant again because the cysts were so big, if I didn’t cut them out and that they were also considering giving me a hysterectomy. I desperately wanted to have another child. I was scared to have an operation and I was certain I could get rid of them in a non invasive natural manner. Instead I went to see Marina and on our first meeting she told me we could definitely get rid of the cysts if I could just imagine them gone. She asked me if I believed in an instant healing. I said yes. She also tested me to see if I was telling the truth regarding my belief about the instant healing. We did some belief work around some of my other issues of why and how I manifested these lovely little Fibroid Cysts. Well let me tell you, instantly in one  QDNA® session the cysts were gone and they have never grown back. She also gave me some oil to put on my skin on the area where my Cysts were. She told me to go and get my Uterus looked at by my Doctor and to ask him to do another Ultra Sound. My Doctor was pleasantly surprised that my Fibroid Cysts were completely gone. He couldn’t quite believe his eyes. I am so thrilled and happy. Marina's love and healing is unconditional.

Zekahia Williams
Venice Beach, CA

QDNA® Healing | Epigenetics & QDNA® Core Belief Reprogramming™ - Fibroid Cysts A Pregnancy

I went to see Marina Rose when I had Fibroid Cysts, which she helped me healing quickly. I had been to see a conventional doctor who wanted to immediately perform surgery and to also give me a hysterectomy. I desperately wanted to have another child. I thought to myself if Marina got rid of the cysts there was a good chance that she could assist in getting me prepared to get pregnant. I had a couple of sessions with her and we did a lot of QDNA® Core Belief Reprogramming™, emotional clearing and belief work. Then I miraculously got pregnant.

Doctors were really concerned that the Fibroid Cysts would come back and grow really fast because of the hormonal changes during pregnancy, and that they would also be intrusive, dangerous and painful to both me and the baby. I discussed this with Marina and she gave me a reading that she felt that my baby and I would be 100% healthy. She asked me again "Do you believe that you could be 100% healthy, pregnant and have a 100% healthy baby"? She then asked me "Do you believe that you deserve to have this baby, and do you feel worthy to be a mother to this baby"? I answered yes to all of these questions and then Marina tested me to see if I was telling the truth. Marina then asked me to talk to my husband and Doctors again with my decision. Much to my surprise, everyone could feel my overwhelming confidence and immediately gave me their support.

I just want to let everyone know that I have a beautiful healthy baby boy called Michael. My pregnancy was pain free, cysts free, my delivery was a natural birth and Michael came out with so easy, quickly and painlessly, he so much wanted to be part of our family. Our connection as mother and child is so much stronger than I had with my other children. Marina the healing work, care, spaciousness and empowerment that you give a person is unsurpassed and other worldly and godlike. With all my heart and love.

Zekahia Williams
Venice Beach, CA

QDNA® Healing | Epigenetics & QDNA® Core Belief Reprogramming™ | Loose Intestinal Valve

I was introduced to Marina Rose by a friend that gave me a gift certificate to see her for QDNA® Core Belief Reprogramming™ my friend told me I needed to see her under all circumstances. I went to see Marina not really knowing what to expect or even what my needs were. I spoke with Marina briefly over the phone and she asked me to send her an email with my wants and needs and any history of my life that I wanted to share. On my first visit we talked a little about what I wanted to accomplish. I felt very comfortable with her and so she began to give me a treatment that involved her asking me some questions about releasing any emotional ties that were holding me back from excelling in work and life. After just a few minutes she asked me if I had a pain in my abdomen and she touched a spot just to the side of my belly button. This really surprised me because I have had a pain in that area for over 10 years. I have been examined by numerous doctors of various "specialties" and have had every imaginable form of tests done including Blood Work, MRI, Colonoscopy, Lower GI Tests which involved fasting and drinking Barium for Xrays to see what type of "Blockage" was causing the pain. I was never given an explanation or diagnosis beyond "it's likely stress related" because every test came up negative for whatever they were searching for. I was told by a surgeon once that he could go in and do exploratory surgery and that possibly a valve in my intestine needed to be tied to the inside of my stomach. Well, I decided to just live with it as it was clearly not life-threatening and at times even mild. The amazing thing is Marina pinpointed the exact spot where the pain came from. I had not mentioned it to her as it had been so many years that I had lived with it that I no longer mentioned it to anyone. I had given up. I also wouldn't have thought she could do anything for it anyway. After the first session the pain was faintly still there but dramatically reduced. After the second visit with Marina it was gone. It has not returned. To my delight, she was able to completely eliminate the problem in the two treatments I had with her. It strange that after spending Thousands and Thousands of Dollars on tests that the Doctors couldn't find the cause of my pain nor could they find what the problem was. She told me what was causing the problem and got rid of the problem and then my pain went away. We also worked on areas of my personal and professional life goals. I feel much more positive and optimistic every day. Thank you for everything Marina.

Kevin Osmond
Los Angeles, CA

QDNA® Healing | Epigenetics & QDNA® Core Belief Reprogramming™ | Suicide

Marina, words are not enough for your amazing help tonight. How much I have changed within just that short time with you! I am amazed at how powerful the QDNA® Core Belief Reprogramming™ technique is.

I am however also aware that only the modality alone is not the thing. YOU are what helped me tonight. I have been to so many healers, as you can imagine and I have very rarely felt as comfortable as with you. AND also I do believe that your gifts and your compassion and ethics and your heart are all in the right place and aligned with divinity, hence the beautiful shift in me tonight.

I feel like a WOMAN for the first time in my life. How interesting that it would have come up. It was the last thing I had expected when I left the house tonight. The suicide was something more prominent, so I kind of was prepared. However you cannot even begin to understand the gratitude toward you and heaven to have helped me out tonight. I must have asked for the right kind of help at the right time.

When I came home, I looked at my husband with different eyes, and I am not deluding myself that the work is done, hence me signing up to for sessions with you. I am so very much looking forward to the class.

Thank you so much for what you did for me/us as a family.

Many, many blessings.

Laura Hermans

Albert Einstein said it best, “The Field is everything”.

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Marina Rose, QDNA® Founder Activator, Actuator and Advisor

Marina Rose is an alternative health pioneer who employs cutting edge techniques that sit squarely at the intersection of the most leading edge scientific research and the ancient arts of traditional mind-body-energy medicine. She is the founder and developer of QDNA®, Quantum DNA Acceleration®, a revolutionary new technique for quantum growth in life and business. She offers seminars, programs, lectures, and private sessions in QDNA® that accelerate personal and professional transformation.

Marina has been an alternative healing arts and wellness facilitator for the past twenty-one years and holds certifications in more than twenty-four healing modalities. She is a highly respected facilitator, educator and lecturer in the field, with private practice based in Venice, California. Marina is the author of numerous articles on health and wellness, and is the author of The Magnificent Human Experience: Explorations In Consciousness and The Human Body, a weekly blog dedicated to far ranging topics that bridge the worlds science, health and spirituality.

Marina Rose has clients in 60 countries and all over the United States. She is based in Los Angeles, CA and lectures and practices QDNA® in locations worldwide.

Learn more about QDNA® and explore what it can do for you!


Marina Says...
"QDNA® is the most profound and powerful healing paradigm on the planet at this time".

The Magnificent Human Experience
Weekly Explorations of Consciousness And The Human Body with Marina Rose, QDNA®. Join Marina for her weekly live chat via FaceBook and Google+ and get in on the conversation!

Total Recall | The Memories of Our Genes
Trait Vs. Fate | Incredible Inheritance of DNA

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The Four Pillars of QDNA®
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Dates: Oct 21, 2018
Location: Venice, CA, USA

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Free QDNA® Introduction
Dates: October 5th to 7th, 2018
Location: Venice, CA USA

About | Marina Rose, QDNA®

Marina strongly believes that there is nothing that cannot be healed or transformed when the mind, body and emotions are in balance. From over two decades of professional experience, Marina has developed a broad range of instructional programs, seminars and a complete line of organic products to support health and healthy living.

Marina has also developed highly customized QDNA® Business Programs designed to assist in decoding, reconstructing, and recoding patterns of belief, to literally re-wire the brain for success, improving creativity, innovation, and productivity. These combined personal and professional QDNA® programs offer a unique opportunity to recondition the mind, body and spirit for far reaching and lasting results.

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