QDNA® Testimonials
Marina Says,
Change Your DNA, Instantly Change Your Life.™

Praise For Marina Rose
QDNA® | Quantum DNA Acceleration®
QDNA® Healing | Epigenetics & Quantum Energy Healing - Personal Self-Empowerment
I needed emotional healing. I'm not sure where to start… From the moment I called Marina early one Saturday morning, barely able to catch my breath and in tears, my life changed instantly. Kind women on the other line said. Cry sweetie let it out. I'm here. I felt a bit embarrassed but strangely comfortable telling her my distress. Marina cleared her morning schedule and saw me for a visit that day. She listened intensely to my situation she cared!
Her office was so calm and peaceful yet full of powerful energy. My session was amazing to say the least. I continued with phone sessions it was remarkable the energy healing ability Marina had even miles away. I have always been a dreamer, a believer and an optimistic soul but I was depleted and in quite a dangerous place. When I found Marina she healed my trauma redirected my life within a week I was back at work having great financial profit. People had been removed abruptly that were of harm to my soul and success. I felt renewed. I've never in my life written a testimonial but I felt inclined to because of the overwhelming gratitude I have for this angel that took my call one Saturday morning and took my broken pieces one by one placing them back together. I will warn you when her hands touch you in session it's a powerful emotional experience Marina knows more then she says and heals deep. She's my angel.
Amadi by Amanda
Los Angeles, CA
QDNA® Lecture | Blown Away By QDNA®
Wow Marina! I knew that you had been working on presenting QDNA® to the world, I just didn’t realize to what depths though. I should have known from results I get from
our sessions, which are out of this world.
I loved the Quantum DNA Acceleration® Free Introduction lecture. You blew me away with the material. I love the Science of QDNA®. I love your humor and how you break things down so easily for all of us to understand.. this was off the charts. I am bringing my mom to the next one, she will love it.
Maria Rodriguez
Business Professional
Los Angeles, CA, USA
QDNA® Living | Neuroplasticity - Absolutely Inspiring Coaching
Marina Rose is absolutely inspiring. She is powerful, assertive, dynamic, enlightened and most of all passionate. She resonates with pure divine energy of light, love and expansion. Yet, she is also grounded, practical and enterprising. Marina is a highly evolved being who is a powerful teacher, energy healer, businesswoman, entrepreneur and role model. She has manifested abundance, prosperity, joy, happiness and love. She radiates these qualities.
Get ready for a phenomenal experience!!
Tania Bennett
Portfolio Marketing Manager
Sydney, Australia
QDNA® Healing | Epigenetics & Quantum Energy Healing - Brain Cancer And Blindness
My name is Debbie and I have a 14 year old daughter Lucy who had brain cancer and was blind for two years due to the growth of her tumor. I was referred to Marina for healing through a friend of mine who had extraordinary results. She told me that if I truly wanted my little girl to get better that I needed to take her to Marina. I made two appointments, one appointment was for me and one was for my daughter. I had no intentions of taking my daughter to see Marina and get my daughter’s hopes up if she couldn’t heal some of my ailments first. I wanted to see if Marina was the real thing. She was the real thing.
I took my daughter to Marina the next day for her actual scheduled appointment. After one session daughter was able to see and got her long distance sight back, she was able to describe what she saw from afar. My daughter has had about nine sessions with Marina and her tumor has shrunk immensely. Lucy’s Doctors have told me to keep doing what we are doing because it is working, They are shocked that her tumor has shrunk so much especially because my daughter is not having chemotherapy or radiation. The doctors don’t understand what Marina is doing and they don’t care, they just say “keep doing what you are doing, it’s working”. Lucy’s eye sight is back to 100% now. We also don’t understand what Marina is doing, however my whole family and I don’t care because my little girl is getting healthier and healthier every day.
The love and compassion that radiates from Marina is just so life transforming and we love her and are forever indebted to her. Thank you Marina, you are a gift from the heavens.
Debbie Travers
Simi Valley, CA
QDNA® Living | Neuroplasticity - Personal Growth & Lifestyle
Marina thank you for the quality of quantum energy healing that you do, and your incredible commitment to changing the world in a better way. Your energy amplifies pure awareness of the true immortal LOVE!
Dr. Daoud Foster
Doctor of Metaphysical Sciences and Licensed Occupational Therapist
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Albert Einstein said it best, “The Field is everything”.
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Marina Rose, QDNA® Founder Activator, Actuator and Advisor™
Marina Rose is an alternative health pioneer who employs cutting edge techniques that sit squarely at the intersection of the most leading edge scientific research and the ancient arts of traditional mind-body-energy medicine. She is the founder and developer of QDNA®, Quantum DNA Acceleration®, a revolutionary new technique for quantum growth in life and business. She offers seminars, programs, lectures, and private sessions in QDNA® that accelerate personal and professional transformation.
Marina has been an alternative healing arts and wellness facilitator for the past twenty-one years and holds certifications in more than twenty-four healing modalities. She is a highly respected facilitator, educator and lecturer in the field, with private practice based in Venice, California. Marina is the author of numerous articles on health and wellness, and is the author of The Magnificent Human Experience: Explorations In Consciousness and The Human Body, a weekly blog dedicated to far ranging topics that bridge the worlds science, health and spirituality.
Marina Rose has clients in 60 countries and all over the United States. She is based in Los Angeles, CA and lectures and practices QDNA® in locations worldwide.
Learn more about QDNA® and explore what it can do for you!

Marina Says...
"QDNA® is the most profound and powerful healing paradigm on the planet at this time".

The Magnificent Human Experience
Weekly Explorations of Consciousness And The Human Body with Marina Rose, QDNA®. Join Marina for her weekly live chat via FaceBook and Google+ and get in on the conversation!

Total Recall | The Memories of Our Genes
Trait Vs. Fate | Incredible Inheritance of DNA
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The Four Pillars of QDNA®
Free QDNA® Introduction
Dates: Oct 21, 2018
Location: Venice, CA, USA

Quantum Living
Free QDNA® Introduction
Dates: October 5th to 7th, 2018
Location: Venice, CA USA

About | Marina Rose, QDNA®
Marina strongly believes that there is nothing that cannot be healed or transformed when the mind, body and emotions are in balance. From over two decades of professional experience, Marina has developed a broad range of instructional programs, seminars and a complete line of organic products to support health and healthy living.
Marina has also developed highly customized QDNA® Business Programs designed to assist in decoding, reconstructing, and recoding patterns of belief, to literally re-wire the brain for success, improving creativity, innovation, and productivity. These combined personal and professional QDNA® programs offer a unique opportunity to recondition the mind, body and spirit for far reaching and lasting results.
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