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QDNA® What's New

The Genie in Your Genes |
Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention

The Four Pillars of QDNA® | Epigentics | April 03, 2015

Your genes respond to your thoughts, emotions and beliefs.

The way you use your mind shapes your brain, turning genes on and off in ways that can dramatically affect your health and wellbeing.

In this best-selling, award-winning book, The Genie In Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention, researcher Dawson Church, PhD reveals the exciting applications of the new science of Epigenetics epi=above, i.e. control above the level of the gene) to healing. Citing hundreds of scientific studies, and telling the stories of dozens of people who have used his ideas for their own healing, he shows how you can apply these discoveries in your own life. He explains how electromagnetic energy flows in your body and affects your cells, and how the new fields of energy medicine and energy psychology can help cases that are beyond the reach of conventional medicine. He shows how your hormonal, neurological, connective tissue, and neurotransmitter systems all work in harmony to conduct a coordinated flow of information throughout your body. As you take conscious control of the process, you produce a positive effect on your health, becoming an "epigenetic engineer" of your own wellbeing. Practical and scientific, this book has transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people. This new edition is updated with the latest research.

"We usually look for miracles when we are in extreme peril. In a universe where the miraculous is available to us every day, where discontinuous positive change is always an option, and in which science has given us the understanding that genetic changes occur within seconds of changes in consciousness, it is high time we began looking for miracles as a first resort, not as a last resort."

                  --Dawson Church, PhD

“Once in a great while, an expansive book traces the connections between seemingly disconnected fields of science to produce a brilliant new synthesis. This work, linking genetics, electromagnetism, medicine and social change, is a monumental feat of scholarship and imagination, and provides a fascinating glimpse of the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. It points the way to a radical leap in our understanding of healing--and indeed the nature of human beings.”

                  --Gary H. Craig

Dawson Church, PhD , is an award-winning author whose best-selling book, The Genie In Your Genes, has been hailed as a breakthrough in the field of Epigenetics. He has published numerous scientific papers, with a focus on the remarkable self-healing mechanisms now emerging at the intersection of emotion and gene expression. He applies these breakthroughs to health and athletic performance through EFt Universe, which is one of the largest alternative medicine sites on the web. He was educated at Baylor University and Holos University, where he earned his doctorate under the tuition of Harvard-trained neurosurgeon Norm Shealy, MD, PhD, with whom he co-authored Soul Medicine: Awakening Your Inner Blueprint for Abundant Health and Energy. Dawson Church is editor emeritus of the peer-reviewed journal Energy Psychology:Theory, Research, and Treatment, and founded the nonprofit National Institute for Integrative Healthcare to research and train practitioners in energy psychology. He works with businesses and sports teams to achieve peak performance; he no longer accepts prvate clients but instead refers them to the certified practitioners at EFT Universe.

For more information, please visit: www.DawsonChurch.com/

The Genie In Your Genes is available at the QDNA® Store And Amazon.com | The Genie In Your Genes

To learn more about Neuroplasticity and other QDNA® Quatum Living and Business Programs, follow the latest news, tips and resources at QDNA® What’s New, and learn more about QDNA® Private Sessions with Marina Rose available to jump start your way to happiness and health.

Copyright© Written by
info@MarinaRoseQDNA.com www.MarinaRoseQDNA.com
PH: 310-358-2991 - 844-400-QDNA - 844-400-7362

Images Via: Amazon.com/Courtesy Dawson Church

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Marina Rose, QDNA® Founder Activator, Actuator and Advisor

Marina Rose is an alternative health pioneer who employs cutting edge techniques that sit squarely at the intersection of the most leading edge scientific research and the ancient arts of traditional mind-body-energy medicine. She is the founder and developer of QDNA®, Quantum DNA Acceleration®, a revolutionary new technique for quantum growth in life and business. She offers seminars, programs, lectures, and private sessions in QDNA® that accelerate personal and professional transformation.

Marina has been an alternative healing arts and wellness facilitator for the past twenty-one years and holds certifications in more than twenty-four healing modalities. She is a highly respected facilitator, educator and lecturer in the field, with private practice based in Venice, California. Marina is the author of numerous articles on health and wellness, and is the author of The Magnificent Human Experience: Explorations In Consciousness and The Human Body, a weekly blog dedicated to far ranging topics that bridge the worlds science, health and spirituality.

Marina Rose has clients in 60 countries and all over the United States. She is based in Los Angeles, CA and lectures and practices QDNA® in locations worldwide.

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Marina Says...
"QDNA® is the most profound and powerful healing paradigm on the planet at this time".

The Magnificent Human Experience
Weekly Explorations of Consciousness And The Human Body with Marina Rose, QDNA®. Join Marina for her weekly live chat via FaceBook and Google+ and get in on the conversation!

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About | Marina Rose, QDNA®

Marina strongly believes that there is nothing that cannot be healed or transformed when the mind, body and emotions are in balance. From over two decades of professional experience, Marina has developed a broad range of instructional programs, seminars and a complete line of organic products to support health and healthy living.

Marina has also developed highly customized QDNA® Business Programs designed to assist in decoding, reconstructing, and recoding patterns of belief, to literally re-wire the brain for success, improving creativity, innovation, and productivity. These combined personal and professional QDNA® programs offer a unique opportunity to recondition the mind, body and spirit for far reaching and lasting results.

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